Joli Adore® Photography


The birth story of judah michael

I was super excited to work with this mama and her family to document the birth of baby Judah. Considering mama was set to have a hospital birth, she wished to labor at home before eventually leaving for the hospital. We put a plan in motion for me to come to her home to document. However, as the end of her pregnancy drew closer, the decision was made to schedule an induction.

I arrived at their home around 6:30am on a chilly Friday morning in September to finally meet this beautiful mama (virtual is great, but there's nothing like human contact) and her adoring family and sweet fur-baby, as they prepare to head to the hospital to meet Judah!

little girl with sisterlocs smiling while holding a blue baby onesie

As unpredictable as inductions can be, this second-time mama was no exception. The hurry-up and wait process lasted all day Friday and into the night with Pitocin finally being administered around 9:30 p.m.

Mama started feeling those contractions in no time and messaged me around midnight to say that she received an epidural. About an hour later her midwife broke her water. She recalled her first birth and how her labor went from zero to one hundred in a couple of hours.

pregnant woman lying in hospital bed holding a cell phone with airpods during a labor induction
black birth photographer | birth photography | st agnes hospital | baltimore birth photographer

I was by Mama's side in no time. We chatted for a few and then I let her get some rest before she hit the ground running, right on schedule, in less than 3 hours.

The nurse came in to adjust the fetal monitor and suggested the midwife come in to check mom's progress. Good thing she did! This little guy was eager to make his debut! 2 to 3 pushes later, and Mom and Dad said hello to their handsome son, Judah!

Black Birth | Birth Photography | Newborn baby skin to skin | Joli Adore Photography
Black Father Wearing A Mask Looking At Woman In Hospital Bed Holding New Baby On Her Chest
A Hand Holding Scissors To Cut Baby's Umbilical Cord
A Gloved Hand Holding A Plastic Bag With A Two Vessel Umbilical Cord

While still in utero, it was discovered that Judah's umbilical cord had been formed with only 2 vessels - one artery, one vein. This only occurs in about one percent of singleton pregnancies.

Because of their faith in God's divine process and their ceaseless prayers, this family was able to walk through a seemingly helpless experience, which is now their testimony.


Award Winning Black Birth Photographer, Baltimore, Maryland
Black woman breastfeeding | Joli Adore Photography
black father holding new baby as woman sitting in hospital bed looks at him
nurse holding baby up to scale screen after measuring baby's birth weight
nurse with blue gloves holding baby's foot up to paper for a footprints after birth at St Agnes Hospital
St Agnes Hospital | Birth Photography | Black Birth Photographer
black fathers matter | joli adore photography | birth photography
black woman with sister locs holding baby in hands and kissing baby's face